EverLast® Lighting Recognizes Michael Siminovitch for His
Contribution to the Lighting Industry
EverLast® Lighting recently received the Detroit Free Press 2013 Green Leaders award in the category of “Green Building Practice” in honor of its LEED qualified facility. Several of the building's "green" features include: geothermal heating and cooling; solar/wind powered hybrid parking lot lighting; glazed energy-efficient window glass; bamboo walls; pervious concrete; daylighting controls; and solar tracking skylights. "The building is a huge statement because it practices the energy efficiency that the brand preaches by having so many 'green' features," commented Michael Nevins, CEO of EverLast® Lighting. The 72,000 sq. ft. building completed in April of 2010 allowed EverLast® to begin more efficiently manufacturing its line of energy-efficient induction light fixtures.
As part of the morning event, EverLast® Lighting presented Dr. Michael Siminovitch and the CLTC the first ever EverLast® Energy Innovation Award for its research and development of adaptive lighting controls, the implementation of induction lighting technology, and reduced energy consumption across University of California campuses. “I want to offer my appreciation to Michael Nevins for being such a great partner. The CLTC began reaching out to our industry partners for lowering energy consumption, and EverLast® was one of the first to come forward. Collectively, U.C. Davis and EverLast® innovated and developed the adaptive lighting project,” explained Siminovitch.
At the event, attendees wore black in honor of Siminovitch’s work, black being his trademark attire. Siminovitch has directed the CLTC since it was established in 2003, under the UC Davis Department of Design. It has since become one of the most respected lighting research centers in the United States. “In 2014 the state of California will require all pathways, all parking lots, all parking garages, colleges, universities, private buildings, and public buildings by law to have the technology that we innovated together,” commented Siminovitch.
As Michigan looks to become more energy efficient, local Michigan utility companies DTE and Consumers Energy, are also getting in the fray and rolling out excellent rebate programs for the energy efficient lighting solutions, such as the EverLast® induction fixtures. Their rebate policies and applications are easily found on their website. The utilities are offering aggressive, prescriptive rebates for commercial and industrial applications up to $180 per induction lighting fixture further incentivizing businesses looking to lower their energy consumption. In addition, the utilities offer additional incentives for the purchase of Michigan made energy efficient lighting products.
EverLast® Lighting: EverLast® Lighting, Inc. is a
sister company of Full Spectrum Solutions, Inc. and has quickly grown into the
leading manufacturer of energy-efficient lighting solutions for roadway,
parking structure, facility and area lighting applications. For additional
product information, visit www.everlastlight.com,
call 888-383-7578 or send an email to info@everlastlight.com.
For press inquiries, contact
Kyle Leighton at 517-783-3800 ext.231 or email at kyle@everlastlight.com. If you would like to support EverLast®,
please follow EverLast® on Twitter or visit them on Facebook.